Appelation: Oltrepò Pavese Doc
Grape Variety: 100% Croatina
First Vintage: 1983
Vineyards: 2 hectares
Esposizione: West
Altitude: 180-220m asl
Gradient: 35% - 55%
Year of palnting: 2001, 2003
Vine density: 5,000
Grape yield: 70 qt
Soil Composition: Clayey-lime in surfaces with sandy veins
Pruning System: Guyot
Harvest: Manual in cassettes with repeated collection passes depending on of the parcels, in the first and second decade of the month of September
Vinication: Alcoholic fermentation at controlled temperature of 24-25°C for 8-10 days followed by malolactic fermentation
Ageing: Traditional in the tanks with destemming of the buches And light punching down In vasca
Alcohol content: 14.0% Abv
Total Acidity: 6.7 g/l
Volatile Acidity: 0.27 g/l
Ph: 3.43
Service Temperature: 16°-18°C
Colour: Intense ruby red with purple nuances
Aromas: Vinous, characteristic of the vine, with maraschino in evidence,
Taste: Fruity and tasty attack, the vinous tones of marasca and blueberry, moderate acidity, frank and lively characteristic tannins
Abbinamenti: It gives the best of itself with the dishes of the great Lombard tradition, Piemontese and Emiliana - trolley of mixed boiled braised meats cotechino, snails - and with the great cured meats of Oltrepò Pavese, Salzi di Varzi
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